PTA Committees


The Oak Forest Elementary PTA is comprised of parent volunteers. Each committee member has committed to serving our Oak Forest community for two years. In order to be truly successful, we need YOU!

We all agree that nothing is more important than our little Bobcats! It doesn’t matter how much time you give, only that you give. Whether you are able to make a one-time commitment for a couple hours or several hours every week, there is a committee that is conducive to your lifestyle.

We encourage you to browse through the various committees. Do you have a particular talent, skill or hobby? Find something you think you would enjoy that also meets your time restraints. Serving on the PTA is also a great way to meet other parents and teachers. We work hard but we have fun too!

If you have more questions, please contact the chair or co-chair listed for each committee.

Happy Hunting.


Who are we?

We organize the annual silent auction and dinner to raise money for Oak Forest.

What is required of Volunteers?

The Auction Committee meets once per month to prepare for the BIG event.  We need many talents such as obtaining donations, organizing donated items, managing operations, marketing, obtaining sponsors and graphic design.  If you like to have fun, this is the committee for you!

How can Parents help?

Attend the event every year!  This is a fun parents only night out with dinner, music, dancing and fund raising.

How can Students help?

Help your class make items to sell at the auction.  Ask mom and dad to buy you an auction T-shirt!

Does the PTA profit off the sales?

No, each year the money raised is donated to Oak Forest.  This year the money will be utilized to purchase new technology for our little Bobcats!

Ready to Volunteer?  Contact the Auction Committee:

Who are we?

The Bobcat Store Committee is responsible for the online PTA store and selling school spirit shirts.  The shirts are available for purchase at various events through-out the year.

What is required of Volunteers?

Volunteers are need to help sell shirts during busy school events.  You can serve at a single event or multiple events.  Most events occur in the evenings and only require a couple hours of service.

How can Parents help?

Volunteer, of course!  We need help at the Ice Cream Socials, PTA meetings, Kindergarten round-up and the Vanguard round-up.

Ready to Volunteer?  Contact the Bobcat Store Committee:

Who are we?

The Book Fair Committee works with the OFE Library to organize two Book Fairs each school year.  Some of the money raised is used to purchase new library books and AR tests for the students.

What is required of Volunteers?

If you enjoy working with little Bobcats, this is the committee for you!  It only requires giving a few hours of your time during the Book Fair.  There are several ways to help during the Book Fair:

  • Serve as a cashier to help ring up books
  • Help children pick out books
  • Help children figure out how much money they have to spend
  • Help Ms. Campbell put books back in their places
  • Help set-up before the Book Fair begins

How can Parents help?

Encourage your children to love reading!  Remind them to take their money to school to buy their new book(s).  Let grandparents support your Bobcat by purchasing a book for their grandchild.

How can Students help?

Students can help by bringing your money to school on the day your class goes to the Book Fair.  Give your parents and grandparents a wish list of the books you want.

Ready to Volunteer?  Contact the Book Fair Committee:

Who are we? 

The Rewards Programs Committee raises money for Oak Forest Elementary by coordinating with Box Tops, Amazon Smile and Kroger’s Community Rewards.

What is required of Volunteers?
Volunteers help organize incentives for reward program registrations.

How can Parents help?

  • Enroll in the Kroger Community Rewards program with the school code DC148. Once signed up, family & friends earn money for Oak Forest with eligible purchases made using their Kroger Plus Card.
  • Download the Box Tops app and scan your receipts for eligible donations. Each Box Top we redeem is worth 10 cents! Can you imagine the money that can be earned for Oak Forest, if we all work together? One Box Top scanned is a dime earned!
  • Sign up for the Amazon Smile program. Once signed up, .5% of your purchases is returned to Oak Forest Elementary PTA.

Ready to volunteer? Questions on how to link your accounts? Contact the rewards program:

Rewards Program

Who are we?

The OFE Community Partnerships Committee works to establish and maintain a mutually beneficial relationship with our community residents and business partners. We identify, foster, establish and maintain relationships with community partners while working together to improve our school and our neighborhood. We take an active interest in the well being of our community and our students.  The Community Partnerships Committee markets to business partners in our area, acts as the contact person when there are questions or concerns, and ensures that donors are given advertising that was purchased.

Still have questions?  Contact the Community Partnerships

Who are we?

The Outdoor Learning Committee works to ensure that students at Oak Forest Elementary receive the best education related to science through gardening application. The campus has several raised beds where students, parents, and teachers are able to learn about how plants grow and what benefits they have for us!

We also work to ensure that the arboretum, which is beautifully adorned with many native trees, bushes, and plants, is maintained, safe and healthy.

What is required of Volunteers?

Calling all GREEN THUMBS! We really need people who love gardening and landscaping who can commit a few hours a week to help us further our goals of making our outdoor spaces even better.

How can Parents help?

Parents can be involved by serving as a Garden Parent for their student’s class, volunteering on garden days to weed, water and maintain the beds, or serve on the watering team! Please reach out if you are interested in being a part!

We have a schedule of Garden Days for each class, so please check out Living Tree updates for those opportunities!

Who are we?

Every fall Oak Forest Elementary has a Fall Festival that encourages families from the school as well as the surrounding area to come together as a community. Our fall festival strives to provide a family event that will allow all children to have fun. This event is only possible because of the hard work of parent volunteers and community and family donations.

What is required of Volunteers?

We have something for everyone!  It takes a small army to plan and execute Fall Festival.  You can give a couple hours to help out on the day of the festival or a few hours a week to help with the planning.  Fall Festival requires coordinating five key areas to make the festival a success:

    • The Ticket Committee is responsible for getting the form copied and sent home selling pre-sale tickets at a discounted price two weeks before the event; be available to count out the tickets as the orders come in and put them in an organized will-call box and be available to hand out will-call tickets at the ticket booth the day of the festival. The more volunteers we get for this committee, the easier it will be to assign shifts the day of the event so that you can enjoy the festival with your child.
    • The Decoration Committee is responsible for making sure that every booth is decorated with carnival themed decorations (we provide); placing them on tables; and helping hang banners and balloons all over the festival.
    • The Sponsorship Committee is one our most important committees. We need people to go out to local businesses and ask for money . We need as many sponsors as possible! This is what enables us to host such a successful event. All contributions are tax-deductible. We will provide you with sponsorship forms to hand out to local businesses.
    • The Booth Liaison committee is responsible for managing sign-up sheets that will be distributed to each classroom leading up to the event. Each classroom will be in charge of a specific booth and will need to donate or borrow certain things such as an easy-up canopy, 3 dozen cupcakes, bottled water, soda, and time slots for parents to work Their booth. Your job is to contact each homeroom parent and make sure they have all of their items and resources. The day of the event, you will need to visit each booth and see if everything is running smoothly,give potty breaks, bring back up supplies, and pass out bottled waters to the volunteers at their booths.
    • The Food Sponsorship Committee is responsible for contacting local restaurants, grocery stores, and businesses and asking for food donations such as hot dogs, buns, condiments, chips, frito pie supplies, pickles, sausage on a stick, barbecue, ice, paper goods, ect… Any thing helps! They may also donate money as well to purchase these items. If you have or know anyone in the food industry this would be a great committee for you! The week before the event you will need to contact the businesses and make arrangements to pick up the food. The day before the event you will be responsible for picking up these food items, and bringing them to the school cafeteria.
    • The T-shirt Committee is responsible for organization and distribution of Fall Festival T-shirts to students when they arrive at the end of October. This will require some work at home and a few hours at school. This separation and organization of shirts can be done at home before the day of distribution. They are also involved in selling of extra shirts on the day of Fall Festival.
    • The Set Up and Clean Up committee will help recruit volunteers to be present on the day of the Fall Festival 2.5 hours before the event and 2 hours after the event. They will be in command of where tents will be placed before the event as well as taking down tents after the event. They will help decorations committee set up and run items to individual booths as needed.

All volunteers will receive a themed t-shirt that says “Volunteer” on the back to wear proudly!  We will need to order the t-shirts as soon as possible. Please make sure to fill out the volunteer t-shirt order form as you sign up for a committee.  This form will let us know what size and style t-shirt you want.

How can Parents help?

Volunteer!!  We need YOU to be successful.  Fall Festival is open to the public, so invite your friends.  They can by tickets online!

How can Students help?

Ask mom and dad to take you to the festival!  Tell all your friends to go too!

Ready to Volunteer?  Contact the Fall Festival Committee:

Who are we?

We kick off the school year with The Fall Fundraiser. This is our main fundraiser for the PTA Budget. For the past few years, students have raised money through Booster Fun Run activities! Students have a blast being a part of the fundraising for their school.

What is required of Volunteers?

We need your help! Parents are encouraged to reach out to their friends, family and community to raise funds for OFE. We also need parents the day of the event to mark shirts, pass out water and lots of other fun opportunities.

How can Parents help?

Help your students fill up their order forms.  Sell products to family, friends, neighbors, your work and at church. Never sell door-to-door!

How can Students help?

Have your parents sign you up for the Fall Fundraiser. There will be prizes!!!

Where does the money go?

The funds help pay for many Oak Forest activities, such as:

    • Classroom Enhancements
    • Accelerated Reader
    • Band
    • School Enhancements
    • Teacher Appreciation
    • Writers in the Schools
    • Garden Maintenance & Instruction

Ready to Volunteer?  Contact Fall Fundraiser Committee:

Who are we?

The Field Day Committee is responsible for working with the school to plan the event, coordinating volunteers to oversee event stations, and organizing refreshments.

What is req

If you enjoy working with little Bobcats, you’ll love helping out on Field Day. Field Day is one of the kiddos’ favorite days of the year, and it’s a one-time commitment that only requires a few hours of your time. Here is how you can help:

  • Work one of more than 10 event stations, including tug-of-war, a 50-yard dash, and egg-and-spoon races;
  • Distribute popsicles to all participants;
  • Oversee snow cone distribution;
  • Distribute water to participants at one of two water stations;
  • Help set up, refill and take down water stations; and
  • Assist with general clean up after the event.

How can parents help?

Volunteer on the day of the event! We need your help to make Field Day successful and fun for all of our children!

Contact the Field Day Committee:

Who are we?

The Finance Committee works with the Treasurer to help process and count money for deposits during PTA fund raising events.   Our main goal is to expedite the counting process to assure deposits and reimbursements are completed in a timely manner.

What is required of Volunteers?

Volunteers are needed to help count money.  The money is counted at Oak Forest, so we usually meet during the school day or after school.  

How can Parents help?

Make sure all checks written to OFE contain:

    • your child’s name and
    • his/her teacher’s name

Ready to Volunteer?  Contact the Finance Committee:

Who are we?

The Grants Committee conducts research to locate grants that could provide extra money to Oak Forest.  There are thousands of dollars available to schools, teachers and students.  Due to budget cuts, grant money is an excellent way to support the education of our Bobcats!

What is required of Volunteers?

Every grant has specific requirements that must be met.   Many of them require the money be utilized for a specific use or project within the school.  Volunteers must examine the grant requirements to determine if Oak Forest has the potential of winning that particular grant.

Once a grant has been selected, we must complete a grant application.  This is where you can put your writing skills on display by explaining why Oak Forest deserves the grant.

How can Parents help?

Inform the Grant Committee of any special projects taking place in our school that would benefit from grant money.  We encourage anyone who hears of a grant opportunity that Oak Forest may qualify for, to let us know about it.

How can Students help?

The Grant Committee may ask students to write stories, draw pictures and share what they have learned with the Grant Committee.  These items will be submitted with the grant application.

Ready to Volunteer?  Contact the Grants Committee:

What do we do?

The Recycling Committee supports recycling efforts in the school.  This includes weekly paper and plastic pick up from the classrooms and a toner recycling program.

What is required of Volunteers?

Do you your part in going “green” by helping the recycling club (students) pick up paper and plastic recycling from the classrooms once a week.  This is done during the after school program hours (3:15 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.).

How can parents help?

Send your empty toner cartridges to school!  The toners are taken to Office Depot who provides the school with a store voucher.  The vouchers are used to purchase supplies needed for recycling.

Help us reduce paper waste.  Sign up to receive the Wednesday Folder electronically via email.

How can students help?

We ask that 4th and 5th grade students participate in the recycling club.  This involves remaining after school hours once per week to pick up recycling.

Ready to Volunteer?  Contact the Recycling Committee:

Who are we?

We raise awareness with the Oak Forest Community on healthy living habits. We inform students and parents of local activities and promote healthy habits for students in the Bobcat Beat. Every year we host an Oak Forest Team in a local triathlon event.

How can Parents help?

Join our committee! We need creative people to help the week of Healthy Kid week and the triathlon event.

How can Students help?

Participate in activities that take place the week of Healthy Kid Week or sign up for the triathlon!

Ready to get Healthy?  Contact the Healthy Kid Committee:

Who we are:

Hospitality committee is on task to provide a warm and inviting environment for certain PTA events. This mainly includes providing the food and drink for all of the PTA Board Meetings and PTA Association meetings.

What is required of Volunteers?

Volunteers of this committee are required to organize, set up, help serve and clean up food/drinks for all of the PTA meetings held throughout the school year. There are 5 PTA Board meetings and 5 PTA Association meetings. These meetings are set before the school year starts so it’s a great committee for someone that needs to know a head of time when they are needed to volunteer. It is a mix of morning and evening meetings so breakfast or dinner will be needed. Some additional responsibilities include running the volunteering at tables at the front of the school at Ice Cream Social to greet all parents and students and if needed, a snack booth if our school is a Vanguard testing site in February.

How can Parents help?

Some of the PTA Association meetings are in the evenings which include dinner and a student performance. At these meetings, families may purchase what is generally a pizza dinner. Hospitality usually needs parent volunteers to help set up and serve food before the meetings starts.
Looking to volunteer please email

Who are we?

The IT/Website Committee is responsible for creating and maintaining the Oak Forest Elementary PTA website, e-mail administration, and other technical needs & matters.

How can Parents help?

Browse through the website.  Let us know if you can’t find what you’re looking for.  We are always open to new ideas.

Have an idea?  Contact the IT/Website Committee:

Who are we?

The PTA’s Legislative Committee is responsible for keeping members informed with Legislative News Briefs and important information sent out by the Texas PTA’s Legislative Action Team. This committee also coordinates the Coffee with the Principal events.

How can Parents help?
Stay informed by joining the Legislative Action Team. Send your request to join along with your name and e-mail address to You may “opt out” or forward these e-mails once you have signed up.
Parents can also download the Legislative Action Chairman’s Guide on the Texas PTA website,,, to learn more about becoming a child advocate, organizing a candidate’s forum, or any other legislative committee information.
Additional information can be found on the PTA website, Once the page loads, you can click on the information adjacent to the “Under the Dome” section to view newsletters and weekly Legislative Reports.
Still have Questions? Contact the Legislative Committee:

Who are we?

The Library Committee works with the OFE Library to help keep our library organized so that the students can find books with ease and continue to foster their love for reading.

What is required of Volunteers?

Weekly volunteer opportunities will be posted to ParentSquare within the Library Committee group to help with:

  • Checking books back in
  • Re-shelving books
  • Organizing shelves
  • Labeling books
  • Organizing and distributing reading incentives
  • Read-a-thon
  • Bluebonnet breakfast

How can Parents help?

Continue to encourage your student’s and all students’ love for reading. Please check on ParentSquare for volunteer opportunities and sign up to help.

Ready to Volunteer?  

Contact the Library Committee:

Welcome to the Oak Forest PTA Membership Committee!  We are happy that you are interested in joining the PTA.

Our goal is to recruit new members and renew the existing members annually.  We attend back-to-school functions, PTA association meetings and various other school events where you can sign-up.  So you have many opportunities to join!

Parents, staff and students are welcome to contact us at any time or whenever they are ready to join our FANTASTIC PTA!

What are the membership fees used for?

The membership fee is $6.50 per person.  The fees are used to support our Bobcats both locally and nationally:

    • $2.00 goes directly to Oak Forest Elementary: this supports the students by helping provide classroom learning tools, helps fund school programs, as well as provides parent programs and education
    • $2.25 goes to the Texas PTA: this helps give our school a voice in the Texas Legislature
    • $2.25 goes to National dues: this enables the publication of newsletters, leadership training and other parent resources

Does membership cover both parents?

No.  Membership is individual.  Parents, please support our Bobcats by each of you joining individually.

Join TODAY!  Contact the Membership Committee:

Who are we?

We serve as liaisons between the PTA and Oak Forest parents.  Our goal is to communicate important information to parents from the PTA via email.

What is required of Volunteers?

We participate in two fun school events that occur at the beginning of the school year.  If you have a kindergartner or would like to meet other parents this is a great opportunity for you!

  • Kindergarten Play Date – 2 hours of service
  • Parents Breakfast – 1 hour of service

How can Parents help?

Send us your email address so we can add you to our distribution list.

Ready to Volunteer?  Contact the New Parent Liaison Committee:

Who are we?

The Newsletter Committee produces the monthly Oak Forest Elementary newsletter.  We are better known as the Bobcat Beat!

What is required of Volunteers?
There isn’t a significant amount of time required.  If you are attending a school function, send us any pictures that you take.
How can Parents help?
Do you have a great idea for an article?  We consider everyone a volunteer because anyone can provide photos or content for the newsletter.
How can students help you?
You can tell your parents about interesting things going on at school which might be of interest to everyone at Oak Forest.
Ready to submit photos or information? Contact the Newsletter Committee:


Who are we?

The PTA Spirit Committee strives to raise school spirit. The school’s mascot is Bobby the Bobcat. Our committee coordinates all of Bobby’s appearances and we act as his bodyguards! Each year, we welcome both new and returning students at the beginning-of-the-year Ice Cream Social. We also work with various community partners to provide light breakfasts twice a year at the Bites with Your Bobcat events.

You never know, Bobby may even surprise you with a visit at other events during the year!

What is required of Volunteers?

Come have some fun with us! Volunteers can serve at a single event for one or half an hour or participate multiple times throughout the year. Most of the events occur before or after school (Ice Cream Socials in the evening and Bites with your Bobcats before the school day starts). We are always looking for someone who likes to help out with Bobby the Bobcat as well!

How can Parents help?

There are many ways you can show your Bobcat Spirit:

Help event set up / tear down
Serve ice cream and / or breakfast items
Coordinate and help with Bobby appearances
Donate food or drinks to Bite with Your Bobcat events
How can Students help?

We can always use your help with setting up for and cleaning up after our events, along with preparing and serving food. Bobby the Bobcat also needs body guards navigating around the school while taking pictures with his fans.


Who are we?
The Reflections Committee organizes  the Reflections Arts Program which recognizes and rewards children’s artistic expression.  For information on this years reflections program, click here.


How can Parents help?

Encourage your children to express their creativity and submit their entries to the Reflections Program!  Parents are not allowed to be judges; but if you know any suitable candidates, please submit their information as a potential judge.

What can Students enter?

Each year, the students create art inspired by a specific theme.  Students can submit entries in a number of different Art Areas:

    • Visual Arts (painting, crafts, etc.)
    • Photography
    • Literature (composition writing)
    • Musical Composition
    • Dance Choreography
    • Film Production

There are General Participation rules and rules for each Art Area.

What happens next?

ALL participants in the Reflections program are invited to the Reflections Party.  Winners are announced, awards are presented, and best of all, everyone gets to eat pizza and ice-cream!

The best student entries move forward to the district level.  In the past, Oak Forest students have been entered at the State Level Reflections Program.  From the State Level, the best artists can move on to compete and be exhibited at the National Level.

Introducing the ‘Special Artist’ Grade Division

This new grade division is limited to students who have physical, cognitive, or mental health challenges as defined by the Americans with Disability Act.

Currently, students with developmental challenges may enter the program in the grade division that is appropriate for their cognitive level. Parents and teachers of qualifying students may now choose to enter the student in the new Special Artist grade division or continue with the current process, but not both.

Separate rules for the Special Artist Division are available from the Texas PTA website.


Who are we?

We give parents the opportunity to pre-order School Supplies for their child(ren) for the upcoming school year.

What is required of Volunteers?

Want to help out but short on time?  School Supplies is the committee for YOU!  Volunteers are needed in the month of August to help distribute the pre-ordered supplies to the individual classrooms (1 day of service) and/or to help at the Ice Cream Socials to distribute the supplies that are purchased that night to the individual classrooms at the end of each of those evenings (1 or 2 evenings of service).

How can Parents help?

Parents can help by pre-ordering School Supplies or purchasing them at the Ice Cream Social. By doing so, you are helping your student get off on the right foot the 1st day of school by having all of the required supplies; and you are helping our teachers a great deal as well. Having the students’ supplies already in their classrooms before school starts allows the teachers to have the supplies labeled, distributed to your child’s desk and ready to go on the 1st day of school!

As if those aren’t reasons enough, purchasing your child’s supplies through the PTA is “TAX FREE!!” and in most cases less expensive than buying from a retail store because the PTA gets a bulk order discount in addition to other program discounts through our supplier EPI.

Does the PTA profit off the sales?

The School Supplies Committee doesn’t operate for a profit; it is a service the PTA provides to the parents, students and teachers of Oak Forest Elementary.

Ready to Volunteer?  Contact the School Supplies Committee:

Who are we?

The Staff Appreciation Committee is responsible for providing “tokens of appreciation” to all teachers and staff at Oak Forest. Tokens consist of small gifts, food treats and complete breakfasts/luncheons. We typically provide gifts monthly with our annual holiday breakfast in November or December, and our catered luncheon in May.

What is required of Volunteers?

If you want to give something back but don’t have a lot of time, this is the committee for you!  Volunteers can donate items and/or monetarily.  This can be as simple as donating supplies for the teachers classrooms or $5 for a breakfast or luncheon.

How can Parents help?

Sign-up to be added to our email distribution list. By signing-up you will receive emails from the committee with instructions on how you can help.

Ready to Volunteer?  Contact the Staff Appreciation Committee:

Who are we?

Committee members encourage potential volunteers to complete their Volunteer In Public School (VIPS) certification. VIPS is an Houston ISD prerequisite for any adult to participate in school activities.

How can Parents help?

Take a minute to fill out the Volunteer Interest Form so we can connect you with your volunteer area of interest.

How can Parents help?

Send Questions to

Who are we?

The Yearbook Committee is looking forward to featuring fantastic photos of our little bobcats in action! We strive to capture and preserve precious moments to be enjoyed for years to come.

What is required of Volunteers?

  • Photography Liaison – Showcase your photography skills by volunteering as a photography liaison. What’s that, you ask? The liaison will attend most events, parties and field trips during the school year for his/her assigned grade level. When the liaison is unable to attend an event, he/she can collect pictures from other parents who were present. The liaison will forward all pictures to the Yearbook Committee.
  • Committee Member – Meets throughout the year to brainstorm the design and layout of the yearbook, coordinates the class competition, coordinates the sales and distribution of the yearbook, and designs the yearbook

How can Parents help?

We would love to receive your photos of classroom activities, celebrations, school projects, field trips and events. Photos must be school related activities on campus or on field trips only.

What format can photos be in?

  • High resolution digital photos (300dpi is preferred)

How do we submit photos?

  • If submitting only a few photos, you me email them directly (please note the grade and teacher represented)
  • If submitting several photos, either send us a dropbox of the photos or you can request us to send you a dropbox folder to place them in

Will the photos I submitted be in the yearbook?

Unfortunately, the yearbook does have a space limitation. The committee will select photos as appropriate for the yearbook theme, layout, and printing specifications.

Ready to Volunteer? Contact the Yearbook

Who are we?

We are a committee devoted to sharing resources across the community to support the efforts of those working to serve our city to advance equity and justice.

What is required of Volunteers?

Volunteers are asked to collect, organize and deliver resources and materials that are collected by students and families in order to distribute them to non-profits, partnerships and other schools.

How can Parents help?

Parents can help and support efforts through the contribution of goods and services as they are aligned to our annual projects (sack lunches for Kids Meals, for example). Parents can also help engage their students in the work through dialogue at home about Outreach efforts.

How can Students help?

Talk up Outreach efforts with your parents, siblings, teachers and classmates! Get creative as you think about ways you and your peers can contribute to making our whole city better!

Ready to Volunteer? Contact the Auction Committee:

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